Tickets to the Holy Spirit Church

Tickets to top attractions in Tallinn

About Holy Spirit Church

The Church of the Holy Spirit in Tallinn is open to the public Monday through Saturday from 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM. 

The Holy Spirit Church is a perfect place to escape from the city hustle and bustle. Come to the church in the morning to catch the quietest time. Also, there are regular free organ concerts, usually on Monday evenings, but it is better to check the schedule on the church's website.  

  • Go back in time to the Middle Ages

This bright white church, built in the 13–14th centuries, is one of the oldest and finest buildings in Tallinn. Inside the church, you can admire a unique wooden altar created in the 15th century. The most significant element of the exterior is a clock that has been measuring time since the late 17th century. 

  • Marvel at paintings from the 17th century

The galleries in the church are richly decorated with ornate carvings and beautiful paintings telling stories from the Bible. You can marvel at these artworks, dating back to the 17th century, along with wooden sculptures and colorful stained-glass windows.  

The Church of the Holy Spirit is located in the Old Town of Tallinn, at Pühavaimu 2. This area is mostly pedestrian, so the only way to get to the church is on foot. However, the historic center of the city is not so big, and you can reach your destination from almost everywhere in just 10 minutes. The closest bus and light rail stops are Viru and Balti jaam.     

Discover the beautiful churches of Old Tallinn with our in-app self-guided audio tour The Secrets of Old Tallinn: a Historical Walk. With a detailed route on your smartphone and fascinating stories told by a professional guide, you can explore the prominent city landmarks and hidden gems and learn the history and legends behind these buildings.  

FAQ about Holy Spirit Church

The entrance fee is €2 for adults and €1 for children.