Savor the Sights: Chinatown & Little Italy In-App Audio Tour

About this activity

Audio tour
Audio tour in English
Route length: 10 km
Instant confirmation
Duration 2h
AI generated tour
This tour was generated with the help of AI with human post moderation. It allows us to propose more diverse content for you while keeping good quality and lower price
Audio tours on your smartphone
After purchase, you will receive the link to download the app to take this tour
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With the in-app audio guide, you decide when to start, pause, and finish your tour
No internet is required
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Tour preview

Hosted by WeGoTrip
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  • We will send the tour within 48 hours or refund your money
  • Explore flavors with the In-App Audio Tour
  • Feel the serenity at Mahayana Buddhist Temple
  • Taste history at Nom Wah Tea Parlor
  • Admire the old Casa Bella Ristorante
  • See life past at the Tenement Museum
Embark on a savory journey through the bustling streets of New York City with this Self-Guided Audio Tour of Chinatown and Little Italy. Perfect for food enthusiasts and cultural explorers, this tour will tantalize your taste buds and enrich your understanding of these vibrant neighborhoods. Starting at the historical Church of the Transfiguration on Mulberry Street and ending at the Mahayana Buddhist Temple, you'll meander through lively streets, sampling authentic flavors and immersing yourself in the cultural tapestry that defines these areas. Along the way, memorable stops like the Nom Wah Tea Parlor and Casa Bella Ristorante await to offer a bite of the city's rich culinary heritage. You'll also encounter notable landmarks such as the Manhattan Bridge Archway, former NYPD Headquarters, and Old St. Patrick's Cathedral, each with tales to tell. This route guarantees an unforgettable experience, with chances to see locals chatting on tenement fire escapes and hear the quiet whispers of history echoing through old cathedrals and schools. As you conclude your tour, the serenity of the Mahayana Buddhist Temple will leave you with a lasting sense of the peaceful coexistence between the hustle of city life and the sanctity of cultural havens.

What's included

  • Downloadable self-guided audio tour via the WeGoTrip app
  • Detailed route from stop to stop with live GPS map on your smartphone
  • Earphones are not included — please bring your own
  • Tickets to the attractions along the way are not included

Places you will visit

The route of the tour goes within circle
The Church of the Transfiguration
87 Mulberry St, New York, NY 10013, USA
Spring Lounge
48 Spring St, New York, NY 10012, USA
Popular activities in New York City
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WeGoTrip is a company creating memorable experiences through the in-app audio tours for self-guided travelers all around the world. Travel by your own rules with self-guided audio tours & museum tickets in one app. Better to see something once than hear about it a...

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