earn passive income

Build a self-guided
audio tour and

Become a digital guide

Earn up to 60% lifetime royalty share of sales

Unlock your creative skills

Published self-guided audio tours worldwide
Active travelers
with active listings
Average royalty
of a popular tour creator

WeGoTrip is the platform for creating and hosting self-guided audio tours

Tourists and locals buy audio tours and explore cities and museums on their own in the WeGoTrip app

1,500 $

What is needed to create an audio tour?

Anyone can create a self-guided tour in any language in WeGoTrip with no coding or writing experience needed. Just follow the guidelines every step of the way. Before launching publicly, your tour will be reviewed, and you will receive feedback if necessary.
Take pictures of attractions
Find interesting facts about each place or exhibit
Write and voice a narrative connecting the places
Design a simple route on a map

Lifetime passive income

You will earn a commission of up to 60% from all future sales in WeGoTrip channels and our partners like Viator, GetYourGuide, Airbnb, etc.

Join a community of digital guides

You can test other tours, share ideas, and find opportunities in a global community of talented creators.

Start or develop your writing career

You have complete creative freedom to showcase your skills. The only thing that matters is your personal experience.

We're here for you

You will have access to extensive support materials for creating high-quality audio tours, and our team will have your back.

Why are creators making audio tours?

There are hundreds of reasons why creating a self-guided audio tour can be an awesome adventure. And these are the main ones.

Partners who like to sell WeGoTrip audio tours

What our creators say

Become a digital guide

Apply to be an audio tour creator
Frequently asked questions