Discover Iconic Landmarks: NYC Self-Guided Audio Tour

About this activity

Audio tour
Audio tour in English
Route length: 40 km
Instant confirmation
Duration 2h
Car tour
AI generated tour
This tour was generated with the help of AI with human post moderation. It allows us to propose more diverse content for you while keeping good quality and lower price
Audio tours on your smartphone
After purchase, you will receive the link to download the app to take this tour
Control your experience
With the in-app audio guide, you decide when to start, pause, and finish your tour
No internet is required
All audio tours and tickets can be downloaded to your device anytime

Tour preview

Hosted by WeGoTrip
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  • We will send the tour within 48 hours or refund your money
  • Unlock NYC's secrets with the Self-Guided Audio Tour
  • Feel history under your feet at Brooklyn Bridge
  • Meet Patience and Fortitude at the NY Public Library
  • See Lady Liberty's sister ringing at Herald Square
  • Marvel at One World Trade Center's towering height
Embark on an engaging journey through New York City's magnificent landmarks with this self-guided audio tour. Anyone drawn to the city’s blend of architecture, history, and culture will find this tour an essential New York experience. Starting at the historic Empire State Building, this tour will guide you through a sequence of remarkable sights, from towering skyscrapers to grand museums, each with its own story. The route will lead you through well-known areas such as Herald Square and past the grand New York Public Library. Admire architectural marvels like the Chrysler Building, feel the bustle of Grand Central Terminal, and glimpse the artistry of the Guggenheim Museum. From the heights of the Rockefeller Center’s observation deck to the solemn serenity of St. Patrick's Cathedral, you'll cover a rich tapestry of NYC's urban landscape. The tour concludes with a magnificent view of the One World Trade Center, a symbol of resilience and renewal. Throughout the walk, relish the freedom to explore at your own pace, stopping as you wish to take in the details that most interest you. Experience the awe of standing beneath some of the world’s most famous structures and the peace found within the city's grandest spaces. This tour promises to leave you with lasting impressions and a deeper appreciation of New York City’s architectural grandeur.

What's included

  • Downloadable self-guided audio tour via the WeGoTrip app
  • Detailed route from stop to stop with live GPS map on your smartphone
  • Earphones are not included — please bring your own
  • Tickets to the attractions along the way are not included

Places you will visit

The route of the tour goes within circle
Empire State Building
350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118, USA
St. Patrick's Cathedral
45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10111, USA
Popular activities in New York City
Cancellation policies vary according to activity type. Please check the conditions of your required activity Self-guided audio tour.
WeGoTrip is a company creating memorable experiences through the in-app audio tours for self-guided travelers all around the world. Travel by your own rules with self-guided audio tours & museum tickets in one app. Better to see something once than hear about it a...

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