Romania Audio Tours

Top attractions

About Romania

Romania is a treasure trove of cultural and historical wonders. Must-see attractions include the picturesque castles such as Bran Castle, Peleș Castle, and Corvin Castle, which offer a dip into the nation's rich heritage. The Painted Monasteries of Bucovina, the medieval fortified churches of Transylvania, and the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest are essential places to visit in Romania. For breathtaking landscapes, the Transfagarasan Road and the Danube Delta should not be missed.
Entertaining Romania activities for families include visiting the “Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural History in Bucharest to learn about biodiversity and geology. Theme parks such as Adventure Park Brasov offer thrilling outdoor challenges for older children. Traditional villages and the Merry Cemetery in Sapanta provide unique educational and cultural experiences. Additionally, guided tours of Bran Castle can be fun for kids interested in folklore and myths.
Romania's diverse landscapes make it perfect for outdoor activities. Hiking and skiing in the Carpathian Mountains are favorite pastimes. Birdwatching and boating in the Danube Delta offer exceptional encounters with nature. Cycling through the picturesque countryside, exploring the scenic Transfagarasan Road, and enjoying the beaches along the Black Sea coast are some of the top things to do in Romania for nature and adventure enthusiasts.
Indoor enthusiasts will find a wealth of activities within Romania's borders. The country's museums, such as the National Museum of Art of Romania and the Brukenthal National Museum, provide absorbing experiences. Attending a performance at the Romanian Athenaeum or the Cluj-Napoca National Theatre can fulfill any cultural cravings. Historical mansions and castles offer insight into Romania's aristocratic history, often featuring guided tours and interactive exhibits.
For those desiring a deeper understanding of Romania, engaging in specialized tours is recommended. Self-guided audio tours of Romania's historic centers such as Bucharest, Sighișoara, and Brasov provide guests with rich narratives of their surroundings at a personal pace. Wine-tasting tours through Romania’s vineyards and culinary excursions offer a taste of the local cuisine. Finally, cultural and historical tours around Transylvania's castles are among the top things to do in Romania.
Among the most popular museums in Romania is the National Museum of Art of Romania located in Bucharest, housing an extensive collection of Romanian and European art. The Village Museum in Bucharest offers an open-air experience showcasing traditional Romanian village life. The ASTRA National Museum Complex in Sibiu immerses visitors in folk culture, while the Brukenthal National Museum is renowned for its art collection, and the Peasant Museum celebrates rural life.
For rainy days in Romania, visitors can turn to a range of indoor tours that are both informative and sheltering. Museums such as the National History Museum in Bucharest, the Art Museum in Cluj-Napoca, or the Brukenthal National Museum in Sibiu are excellent choices. Exploring the interiors of majestic castles such as Peleș and Corvin offer a dry and enriching experience. Self-guided audio tours of historical buildings and churches provide insightful explorations without exposure to the elements.

Best Things to Do In Romania

Embark on an enchanting journey through the vibrant culture and breathtaking landscapes of Romania with our immersive audio tours.

Iasi: Palace of Culture

What is it?
A majestic edifice showcasing neo-Gothic architecture, housing museums and cultural events.
Why you should go?
The Palace of Culture in Iasi stands as an emblem of national pride and artistic splendor. This imposing palace, with its ornate façade and intricate interior design, is more than an architectural landmark; it's a cultural hub that tells the story of Romania's past and present. With its prestigious museums, including art, history, and science exhibits, the palace provides a comprehensive cultural experience, making it one of the essential Romania activities for visitors with a thirst for knowledge and beauty.

Sinaia: Peleș Castle

What is it?
A stunning example of German neo-Renaissance architecture, once a royal residence.
Why you should go?
Set against the backdrop of the Carpathian Mountains, Peleș Castle is a jewel of architectural mastery and royal elegance. Once the summer residence of Romanian royalty, the castle now opens its doors to the public, offering an insight into the opulent lifestyles of the past. The lavish rooms, detailed woodwork, and surrounding gardens position it as one of the places to visit in Romania for a touch of regal history and photogenic scenery, encapsulating the essence of cultural vacations.

Rasnov: Râșnov Fortress

What is it?
An impressive medieval fortress perched atop a rocky hill with panoramic views.
Why you should go?
Râșnov Fortress is a bastion of the past, offering a window into medieval Transylvanian defense systems. Its robust structure and location provided protection against invaders, and today it offers tourists spectacular views of the surrounding landscape. While exploring the fortress's ruins and museum exhibits, visitors gain insights into the strategic importance of such strongholds. Its blend of history and stunning vistas make it a highlight among the top things to do in Romania.

Corvin Castle: The Corvin Castle

What is it?
An awe-inspiring Gothic-Renaissance castle with a fairy-tale appearance.
Why you should go?
The Corvin Castle in Hunedoara is one of the largest castles in Europe and definitely one of the best things to do in Romania. With its towering spires, drawbridges, and inner courtyards, the castle evokes an era of knights and legends. The historical reenactments and themed events bring the medieval atmosphere to life. For those spellbound by history and narrative, a visit to this castle is an unrivaled adventure into the heart of Transylvanian lore.

Bucovina: Voronet Monastery

What is it?
A stunning monastery known as the 'Sistine Chapel of the East' for its frescoes.
Why you should go?
Voronet Monastery stands out for its breathtaking exterior frescoes, especially the renowned 'Last Judgment,' whose shade of blue has puzzled art connoisseurs. This spiritual site harmoniously merges the sacred with sublime art, making it a pinnacle of what to see in Romania. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the monastery invites contemplation and artistic admiration, and its frescoes tell rich biblical stories in vivid hues, offering a transcendent experience to those exploring Romania's cultural landmarks.

Timisoara: Victory Square (Piața Victoriei)

What is it?
Timisoara's vibrant cultural heart and a hub of historic buildings and outdoor cafes.
Why you should go?
Commonly referred to as Opera Square, Piața Victoriei is where history and leisure collide, offering an alluring glimpse into Romania's revolutionary past. Lined with splendid Habsburg-era buildings and pulsating with contemporary life, the square is perfect for walking tours that blend culture, history, and the pleasure of sipping coffee in the midst of impressive architecture. It's a crucial destination when discovering things to do in Romania, especially for those eager to experience the place where the 1989 Romanian Revolution sparked.

Maramureș: Wooden Churches of Maramureș

What is it?
A series of ancient wooden churches with distinctive tall spires and interiors.
Why you should go?
The Wooden Churches of Maramureș are not just religious sites but also monumental embodiments of the region's cultural identity. Their unique architectural style combines Gothic and Byzantine elements, preserved through centuries, offering visitors a spiritual and aesthetic journey. The remote locations within picturesque landscapes enhance the experience, making these churches something truly compelling amongst the best places to visit in Romania for those seeking tranquility and a connection with longstanding traditions.

Alba Iulia: Alba Carolina Citadel

What is it?
A large fortress with a rich history, exemplifying Vauban-style fortifications.
Why you should go?
Steeped in history, the Alba Carolina Citadel is an impressive example of 18th-century military architecture. Visitors can walk along its bastions and through its gates, while an audio tour brings the stories of battles and heroes to life. The citadel hosts historical reenactments and ceremonies, giving a dynamic flair to what to see in Romania. It stands out as a recommended visit for history buffs and those interested in military architecture.

Târgu Jiu: The Endless Column

What is it?
An avant-garde monumental sculpture by Constantin Brâncuși, symbolizing the infinity and heroism.
Why you should go?
Brâncuși's Endless Column, part of a sculptural ensemble, transcends its commemorative purpose to become a pioneering work of modern art. This towering, totem-like column is both a tribute to Romanian soldiers from World War I and a spellbinding aesthetic experience. Situated in Târgu Jiu's central park, it is a vital cultural landmark for any visitor curious about Romania's contribution to modern art and the top things to do in Romania that involve profound artistic appreciation.

Danube Delta: Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

What is it?
A staggering paradise for wildlife enthusiasts and bird watchers.
Why you should go?
One of Romania's natural wonders, the Danube Delta is a UNESCO World Heritage sites area and the second-largest river delta in Europe. The myriad of canals, marshes, and islands are home to a rich ecosystem, offering birdwatching, fishing, and boating experiences. The unique customs of the delta's inhabitants enrich the travel experience, making the Danube Delta a must-visit for both nature lovers and those interested in the rich tapestry of Romania's natural and cultural landscapes.

Bucharest: The Romanian Athenaeum

What is it?
An iconic concert hall and a symbol of Romanian culture.
Why you should go?
Regarded as one of the main Romania attractions, the Romanian Athenaeum stands as a testament to the country's artistic legacy. Intricately designed, it boasts opulent interiors, a majestic dome, and an acoustically superior auditorium. This architectural gem not only hosts prestigious concerts but also tells a story of resilience and pride, making it a not-to-be-missed destination for music lovers and culture vultures visiting Bucharest.

Cluj-Napoca: The Botanical Garden

What is it?
A lush haven of biodiversity and natural beauty.
Why you should go?
One of the most serene things to see in Romania is the Cluj-Napoca Botanical Garden, a green sanctuary in the heart of the city. Spanning over 14 hectares, it is home to thousands of plant species arranged in thematic gardens and greenhouses. Visitors can unwind along its peaceful paths, explore exotic flora, and enjoy the soothing presence of nature. It's an ideal spot for relaxation and education for nature enthusiasts of all ages.

Brasov: The Black Church

What is it?
A historical Gothic-style church known for its dramatic architecture.
Why you should go?
In the charming town of Brasov lies the Black Church, a key point of interest for those pondering what to do in Romania. With its imposing blackened walls due to a past fire, the church boasts a remarkable collection of antique rugs and a mighty organ that resonates during concerts. A visit here offers a profound glimpse into the Protestant cultural heritage, making it a pivotal place to visit in Romania for anyone interested in history and architecture.

Sibiu: Brukenthal National Museum

What is it?
One of the oldest and finest art museums in Romania.
Why you should go?
For art aficionados contemplating the best things to do in Romania, the Brukenthal National Museum in Sibiu is a treasure trove of European art. Housed in a splendid baroque palace, the museum displays a diverse collection, including works by famous artists such as Brueghel and Van Dyck. A visit here is a journey through the corridors of European art history wrapped in the elegant atmosphere of an 18th-century Habsburg residence.

Constanta: The Constanta Casino

What is it?
A striking historic building symbolizing the luxury of early 20th-century Romanian seaside resorts.
Why you should go?
Resting on the edge of the Black Sea, the Constanta Casino has been a defining Romania tourist attraction, despite its current state of elegant decay. It's a spellbinding example of Art Nouveau architecture and has captivated photographers and history buffs alike. Exploring its facade and imagining the splendor of its heydays is among the top things to do in Romania, offering a poignant reflection on the passage of time and the grandeur of eras past.

TOP-5 Free Tours in Romania

  • Explore the historical marvels of Bucharest, from the grandeur of the Palace of the Parliament to the quaint cobbled streets of the Old Town, uncovering the rich heritage behind top Romania attractions.
  • Stroll through the medieval corridors of Sighișoara, a UNESCO World Heritage site, where each step reveals a piece of the puzzle of what to do in Romania for history enthusiasts.
  • Unravel the mysteries of Bran Castle, a pivotal Romania tourist attraction, often associated with the legend of Dracula, set against the dramatic Carpathian Mountains backdrop.
  • Delve into the enchanting beauty of the Painted Monasteries of Bukovina, where the Romania activities include marveling at the intricate frescoes depicting religious scenes and local history.
  • Amble around the scenic roads of Transfagarasan, as our audio guide narrates the tales of this engineering marvel, making it one of the best things to do in Romania for adventure and nature lovers.