Прогулка по Афинам и Акрополю: билет и аудиоэкскурсия в приложении

Прогулка по Афинам и Акрополю: билет и аудиоэкскурсия в приложении

About this activity

Audio tour and entrance ticket
Audio tour in Russian
Route length: 5 km
Duration 2h 30min - 3h
AI generated tour
This tour was generated by AI in real-time, offering you diverse and customizable content while maintaining high quality at an affordable price.
Audio tours on your smartphone
After purchase, you will receive the link to download the app to take this tour
Control your experience
With the in-app audio guide, you decide when to start, pause, and finish your tour
No internet is required
All audio tours and tickets can be downloaded to your device anytime

Tour preview

Hosted by Individual
Сheck availability
  • All taxes and fees are included
17 March, Mo
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17 March, Mo
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17 March, Mo
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17 March, Mo
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17 March, Mo
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  • Исследуйте город древней славы с помощью собственного аудиотура в приложении, включая билет на Акрополь
  • Узнайте о "золотом веке" Греции и ее упадке после Пелопоннесской войны
  • Полюбуйтесь Пантеоном, самым важным памятником греческой античности, который на самом деле не был храмом.
  • Узнайте мифы о могущественных богах - Зевсе, Посейдоне, Афине и других.
  • Представьте себе чудо, которым был Акрополь ранних лет, залитый солнечным светом и звуками Агоры.
Эта аудиоэкскурсия в приложении включает билет в Акрополь и поможет вам познакомиться с Афинами, городом древней славы и некогда культурным центром мира! Этот увлекательный аудиотур, созданный специально для самостоятельных путешествий, откроет перед вами все главные достопримечательности города. Будьте готовы к незабываемым впечатлениям от величественных храмов древних богов, грандиозного Акро...

What's included

  • Билет на посещение Афинского Акрополя без очереди
  • Загружаемый мультимедийный аудиотур в приложении WeGoTrip
  • Подробный маршрут от остановки до остановки с живой GPS-картой на вашем смартфоне
  • Функции автономного доступа, аудиоповествование, фотографии и письменные текстовые пояснения
  • Самостоятельный аудиотур для вашего смартфона в приложении WeGoTrip
  • Наушники - пожалуйста, принесите свои
  • Наушники и смартфон в стоимость не входят - приносите свои
  • Персональный гид
    • Reduced tickets available onsite: only for EU citizens aged 65+,non-EU citizens aged 6-25 (with valid ID)
    • Free entry:kids under 5, EU citizens under 25, & students, collect them onsite
    • Travel date and/or timeslot cannot be amended for any reason
    • Check Additional info before buying ticket
    • Free entry for all on the 1st Sunday, from Nov 1-Mar 31
    • From April 1st, 2025, EU citizens under 25 years & NON-EU citizens under 18 receive free admission providing their ID at the ticket booth
    • Visitors with limited mobility or parents with 2 or more children p.p.: Elevators available about 350 m from the main entrance, available 09:00-14:00. For use of the elevators, contact the venue in advance at +30 210 3214172. Not available during adverse weather conditions and maintenance work
    • To enjoy your visit more, be sure to wear comfortable non-slippery walking shoes! The floor of the Acropolis is very ancient, and millions of people walk on it every year, which can become dangerous with the wind
    • Please note: the Acropolis might be closed during the hottest hours of the day
    • From April 1st, 2025, EU citizens under 25 years old & NON-EU citizens under 18 receive free admission upon providing their ID at the ticket booth. Since the monument operates under time slots, there is no guarantee that the ticket office will have free tickets available for your preferred time slot.
    • Entrance is permitted only at the selected time slot or 15 minutes before or after
    • People with disabilities receive free admission upon providing their Disability Certificate at the ticket booth
    • ----------
    • The prices of the entrance tickets to archaeological sites and museums determined by the Ministry of Culture are registered at http://hhticket.gr.
    • Go to the turnstiles and scan your PDF ticket
    • Entrance is available between 15 minutes before to 60 minutes after the time of have selected
    • This offer includes only the regular adult-price ticket and people of all ages can use it to enter, paying the full price

Places you will visit

The route of the tour goes within circle
Библиотека Адриана
Ареос, 3
Греческий парламент
Леофорос Василисис Амалиас 133
17 March, Mo
1 participant
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17 March, Mo
1 participant
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17 March, Mo
1 participant
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17 March, Mo
1 participant
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17 March, Mo
1 participant
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Cancellation policies vary according to activity type. Please check the conditions of your required activity Entry ticket + Audio tour.

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